

We are here to help you

If you would like to make an appointment to have a consultation with our expert team, or if you have any general enquiries about the services we offer please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

You can arrange your next appointment in the following ways:

Book A Virtual Consultation
To book a virtual consultation, at your convenience, please click here.

Callback Request
You can request a callback from our team to arrange your next appointment, if you would prefer to arrange your appointment over the phone. Complete the form to complete your callback request.

01698 854221 or 0141 221 0229 
Please note that our phone lines can be very busy. If you have any problems reaching us please complete a callback request and we will call you back. 

The Support Team are here to help you from 10am – 4pm Monday – Friday.
Click the ‘Chat with Us’ button in the bottom right of the screen. 

Finding Us

We are located across three different sites with the addresses listed below. Find parking options for all clinics here.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

The Clinetix Team.

Clinetix Bothwell

20 Hamilton Road, G71 8NA

01698 854 221


Opening Times
Monday 10 - 6
Tuesday 10 - 6
Wednesday 10 - 6
Thursday 10 - 6
Friday 10 - 6
Saturday 10 - 5

Clinetix Glasgow City Centre

6th Floor, 14 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow G1 3NU

0141 221 0229


Opening Times
Monday 9-5
Tuesday 9-5
Wednesday 9-5
Thursday 9-5
Friday 9-5
Saturday Closed

    Clinetix BothwellClinetix Glasgow

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