
Nose Fillers

With the advancement of technology and facial aesthetic techniques, coupled with the skill of practitioners, nose fillers can now provide an excellent alternative to a surgical nose job (known as a rhinoplasty procedure) for certain patients. Taking a non-surgical injectable approach with nose fillers is also known as Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty (NSR) or the ‘non-surgical nose job’. It can be an ideal treatment for ironing out little lumps and bumps to reshape the nose without having to resort to surgery.

At Clinetix, our Clinical Director, Dr Simon Ravichandran MBChB. MRCS is one of the UK’s top practitioners in this specialist field. Dr Simon uses his expert knowledge of facial anatomy to build a more aesthetically pleasing profile using careful placement of dermal fillers. This provides patients, who are looking to straighten out or improve the shape of their nose with a less risky, less expensive, choice than the surgical route. With instant results and no downtime required, Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty can be an ideal way to improve nasal deformities or subtly alter the shape of your nose.

If you are considering nose fillers, the first step would be to book in for a consultation with Dr Simon to discuss if NSR is an appropriate treatment for you.

Nose Fillers

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

The best approach for your treatment will be discussed following consultation with one of our Medical Directors. They will create a bespoke treatment plan for you, which aligns with your own unique features and desired outcomes.

Treatment from £450. Please click here for our full pricing structure. Treatment available in Bothwell and Glasgow City Centre.

Dermal filler treatment should not be carried out 2 weeks prior to or 3 weeks after receiving the Coronavirus vaccination.